Improving Friendship between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Friendship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It hasn’t always been smooth – they’ve had problems and didn’t fully trust each other. With the Taliban taking charge in Afghanistan, things got even more complicated. There’s been an increase in terrorist activities, making the situation tense. Recently, some Afghan people were sent back from Pakistan, making the relationship even more complicated. But now, leaders from Afghanistan and a group called JUI-F are talking. This meeting is more than just saying hi; it’s an important step to solve old issues and misunderstandings.

The leader of Afghanistan, Prime Minister Akhund, said something crucial. He promised that the new government in Afghanistan won’t let anyone use its land for doing bad things against any country, especially Pakistan. If they keep this promise, it could be a chance for both countries to work together better. But it depends on whether the Taliban can control different groups in Afghanistan and stop them from causing problems in Pakistan.

The Afghan PM also talked about involving religious scholars to fix problems. In places where religious leaders have a big say, getting them involved can help bring peace and solve issues. So, the visit of JUI-F’s chief is not just for show; it’s a smart move to use religious diplomacy to calm things down. This approach could be useful in solving problems like how Afghan refugees are treated and making both sides understand each other better.

The meeting also talked about money and trade. Afghanistan’s acting Foreign Minister mentioned how Afghan traders are facing problems, and political decisions are affecting the economic relationship between the two countries. Money matters, and if both countries work together on trade, it could help make things more stable.

Why does this matter? Well, the friendship between Afghanistan and Pakistan is not just about them. It affects the whole region and even the world because big countries like the United States and Russia have been involved in the past. If Afghanistan and Pakistan get along well, it could bring more peace to South Asia and even change how other powerful countries deal with things.

Even though the meeting sounds positive, there are still big challenges. We need to see if the Taliban keeps its promises, how different groups in Afghanistan act, and what pressures the leaders in Pakistan face. Also, the problems faced by Afghan refugees and other urgent issues need attention.

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