For the very first time, doctors have put a pig’s kidney into a person’s body.

Doctors have successfully performed the first transplant of a genetically modified pig kidney into a person.

The surgery took place at Massachusetts General Hospital and lasted for four hours. The patient, Rick Slayman, a 62-year-old manager, is recovering well and is expected to leave the hospital soon.

Slayman had been suffering from end-stage kidney disease and had previously received a human kidney transplant in 2018. However, that kidney began to fail after five years, leading him to resume dialysis in 2023. When he was diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease again last year, doctors suggested trying a pig kidney transplant as a new option.

The surgery was a significant milestone in medical history. The pig kidney, which was the same size as a human kidney, immediately started functioning after being transplanted into Slayman’s body. The medical team involved in the surgery expressed their emotional reactions, describing it as a remarkable moment in their careers.

Xenotransplantation, which involves transplanting animal organs into humans, is seen as a solution to the shortage of human organs for transplantation. Although there have been previous attempts to transplant pig organs into humans, this surgery marks a major advancement in the field.

The success of the surgery was made possible by genetic modification of the pig’s DNA to make it more compatible with humans. Additionally, specialized medications were developed to prevent rejection of the pig organ by the human immune system.

The medical community hopes that xenotransplantation will eventually eliminate the shortage of organs for transplantation and save countless lives. The patient, Rick Slayman, is hailed as a pioneer for his courage in undergoing this groundbreaking procedure.

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