Pakistani lawyers are on a nationwide strike! They’re protesting police violence in Punjab.

A climate of rising tensions within the Pakistani legal system erupted into a nationwide strike on Wednesday, initiated by lawyers in Lahore protesting recent police actions.

The strike follows a clash between lawyers and police personnel outside the Lahore High Court (LHC).

At the heart of the dispute appear to be two key issues. Firstly, lawyers vehemently oppose the filing of terrorism charges against some of their colleagues. Secondly, they are protesting the government’s decision to relocate civil courts within Lahore.

The situation escalated when a significant contingent of Punjab police arrived to quell the lawyers’ demonstration. This response, characterized by some as a “crackdown,” resulted in the arrest of several lawyers.

In a unified response to these arrests, the legal fraternity across Pakistan has united in protest. Lawyers are boycotting court proceedings and planned meetings at the LHC and Aiwan-e-Adal. Additionally, courts in major cities like Karachi have joined the strike in a display of solidarity.

The strike has caused significant disruptions within the legal system, with even prisoners being denied their scheduled court appearances. A swift and peaceful resolution to this situation is paramount to prevent further delays in the administration of justice.

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