Healthy eating helps kids do well in school.

Every parent wants their child to succeed in school and have the energy for activities.

But kids face a tough day with lots of subjects and even sports practice! By lunchtime, many children are already feeling drained. A recent survey in Pakistan found that 73% of moms said their kids feel tired after recess. This can make it hard for them to learn and participate.

Giving your child the right food during their school break can make a big difference! Dr. Ayesha Abbas, a nutritionist, says “Lunch is super important for kids’ energy and learning.” A balanced lunch with the right mix of foods keeps your child fueled throughout the day.

Here’s what to include:

Protein: Keeps them feeling fuller longer and helps with focus. Think chicken, kabobs, or even nuts.

Carbohydrates: The body’s main source of energy for the brain and muscles. Fruits like apples and vegetables like carrots are good choices.

Healthy Fats: Important for memory, concentration, and learning.

Milk is another superstar for lunchtime! Research shows it helps with memory, growth, and even motivation to learn. Many countries, including the USA and UK, even give milk to students in school!

One mom, Mariya, says finding convenient and healthy lunch options can be tough.

Here’s a tip: Many kids love flavored milk, and 96% of parents surveyed said it’s a perfect lunchbox drink. Flavored or simple Milk is a delicious way to give your child the benefits of milk with added vitamins and calcium.

By packing a lunchbox with a variety of healthy snacks and Flavored or simple Milk, you can ensure your child gets the nutrients they need to feel their best and succeed in school. The right food can make a big difference in your child’s day and their future!

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