The Senate criticized the attempt by the CDA to destroy Shibli’s house.

Senators from different political parties criticized the Capital Development Authority (CDA) for trying to partly destroy the house of Opposition Leader Shibli Faraz.

It happened on a day when members could raise public concerns. A senator informed the Senate that CDA officials, along with a bulldozer, went to Faraz’s house to demolish some parts of it. He said they also harassed Faraz’s family members. The senator suggested investigating the matter through the House Privilege Committee.

Other senators joined in, demanding an explanation from the CDA about the incident. They wondered why CDA officials brought bulldozers to Faraz’s house, where he had lived for 15 years. The senators condemned the incident, saying it violated the privileges of the opposition leader. The Law Minister promised to investigate the matter and provide a report to the Senate. Faraz assured the Senate that his party would not be deterred by such incidents.

The Senate formed several standing committees within the required 60-day period. The committees will address various issues concerning the country. The Senate also introduced nine new private member bills, covering different areas of law and governance. However, the session ended abruptly due to a lack of enough senators present, prompting the Deputy Chairman to adjourn it until the next day.

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