A very old book is being sold for a lot of money, $2.6 million!

A very old, handwritten book from Egypt is going up for auction in London for a whopping amount of money.

This book is special because it’s one of the very earliest Christian books ever written, created somewhere between 250 and 350 AD. Imagine that – a book this old that people used for religious practice way back then!

Experts say this book, called the Crosby-Schoyen Codex, is incredibly important because it shows how early Christianity spread throughout the Mediterranean area. It’s written in a language called Coptic on papyrus, which was an ancient kind of paper made from reeds. The book itself has 104 pages (or 52 sections, if you prefer) and includes writings from the Bible, like letters from Peter and the book of Jonah.

This book was found in the 1950s and has been in a famous collection owned by a collector in Norway ever since. Now, it’s going up for auction in London on June 11th, along with other old manuscripts. Before the auction, though, people can see this piece of history on display at a special location in New York!

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