Android users beware! Bad apps snuck onto the Play Store.

A recent security report from cloud security company Zscaler identified over 90 malicious applications on the Google Play Store.

These apps, disguised as seemingly harmless utilities like PDF readers and QR scanners, were downloaded over 5.5 million times.

The primary threat identified is the Anatsa banking Trojan, also known as TeaBot. This malware operates in two stages:

1. Initial Installation: The app appears legitimate, establishing a false sense of security.

2. Second-Stage Payload: Upon installation, the app downloads a hidden update containing malicious code.

    Anatsa specifically targets banking applications. Once a device is infected, it communicates with a remote server to identify installed banking apps. The malware then displays a fake login page mimicking the targeted banking app. Unsuspecting users to enter their credentials unwittingly grant hackers access to their accounts and financial information.

    While Anatsa primarily targets specific regions, Zscaler reports victims in various countries. Though specific app names haven’t been publicly disclosed, Google has likely been notified for app removal.

    This incident highlights the importance of exercising caution when downloading apps. Users should prioritize downloading applications from trusted developers and reputable sources.

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