Experts criticize the budget for not addressing the needs of 11 million poor Pakistanis.

Experts are disappointed with Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb’s budget speech for ignoring poverty alleviation, leaving 11 million poor Pakistanis without safety nets.

The budget emphasized growth and economic stability but did not address those living below the poverty line.

Although the allocation for the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) increased from Rs425 billion to Rs530 billion, analysts view this as a move to please the Peoples Party rather than a genuine effort to help the poor.

The tax burden has once again fallen on the salaried and low-income segments, potentially pushing more people into poverty.

The World Bank reported last year that nine million Pakistanis lived below the poverty line, and this number has increased to 11 million due to economic contraction and insufficient growth to create new jobs.

Industrialist Hasham Ahmed criticized the government for neglecting the poor and failing to stimulate job creation, citing high interest rates and low development spending as major issues.

He pointed out that while China has lifted over 700 million people out of poverty in the past three decades, Pakistan continues to ignore the needs of its poorest citizens.

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