LHC Orders Police to Recover Missing YouTuber Aun Ali by August 20

YouTuber Aun Ali

The Lahore High Court (LHC) has ordered the Lahore police to find and present YouTuber Aun Ali Khosa, who was allegedly taken by unidentified armed men, by August 20.

Aun’s wife, Binish Iqbal, filed a petition with the LHC, claiming that her husband was in the “unlawful and illegal custody of law enforcement authorities.” She expressed deep concern for his safety, fearing that Aun may have been a victim of enforced disappearance.

Justice Shahbaz Ali Rizvi heard the petition and directed the Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) to produce Aun Ali in court by the specified date.

Lahore Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Operations Faisal Kamran stated that the police had not yet received any complaint about Aun’s alleged abduction but would begin investigating once a complaint is filed.

Details of the Petition:

According to the petition, Aun is a digital content creator, writer, and comedian with a substantial following of 137,000 subscribers on YouTube. The petition claimed that on August 15, around 2 a.m., a group of police officers and masked men in plain clothes forcibly entered his apartment, broke down the door, and confiscated his phone, laptop, computer system, and digital camera.

Aun was allegedly manhandled and taken away in a vehicle, despite his wife’s repeated pleas for an explanation. The masked men reportedly refused to provide any information.

Family’s Response:

On August 15, Aun’s brother, Ali Sher Khosa, took to platform X (formerly Twitter) to report that Aun had been taken by unknown armed men from his flat in Lahore. He asked for prayers and requested people to spread the word about Aun’s situation. Ali also clarified in a later post that the family had not received any threat calls, dismissing rumors to the contrary.

Reactions from Activists:

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) expressed alarm over reports of Aun’s abduction, concerned that it might be linked to his work as a satirist. They called for his immediate recovery.

Activist and lawyer Jibran Nasir commented on X, using satire to criticize the situation. He remarked that Aun’s abduction shows how even laughter can be seen as a threat to stability, implying that the state wants people to remain silent and compliant.

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