Iranian President Raisi died in a helicopter crash.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister died in a helicopter crash in a mountainous region with icy weather.

An Iranian official reported that search teams found the wreckage in East Azerbaijan province. According to Iran’s constitution, if the president dies, the first vice president takes over with the supreme leader’s approval. A council must then organize a new presidential election within 50 days.

Raisi became president in June 2021, succeeding moderate president Hassan Rouhani. He faced significant challenges, including severe social unrest and an economy weakened by US sanctions. Raisi was seen as a strong contender to succeed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and had his support. However, his time in office was marked by widespread protests against clerical rule and economic difficulties. Despite efforts to strengthen foreign relations, such as a trade agreement with Pakistan, Raisi struggled to improve Iran’s economic situation.

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